
"Restoration Counseling Services is an incredible partner to any local church, couple, or individual working for authentic, substantive change. When the need for deep restoration is discovered, this is a loving and supportive group ready to walk with you. Life transformation cannot happen without soul-level restoration and that is why RCS is such an incredible gift and resource."
Jimmy Skeen, Lead Pastor
Aurora Community Church
"Jeff McFarlane [and his team] bring unmistakable compassion and skilled insight to a growing number of people who are now experiencing a new beginning."
Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
Best-selling authors, speakers, and relationship educators

"Through a biblically-based approach to therapy, Restoration Counseling Services is offering [couples, individuals and families] in our region trusted counseling resources."
Jim Gwinn, Chaplain
Outdoor Resorts
Palm Springs, California
“Because Jeff has been a pastor, he understands what I’m going through and knows the issues I’m dealing with. He’s able to say, “How can I help you?” knowing what it means to come alongside our pastoral team. This is extremely valuable.”
Henriet Schapelhouman
Director & Founder of Sempervita
Redmond, WA

“The opportunity to tell our stories, and engage well with other people’s stories, in a safe setting with a Christian therapist can become a pathway to personal discovery that leads us to the restorative heart of God. I’m so pleased that two of our counseling alumni have seen the value of joining Jeff McFarlane and his team. Restoration Counseling Services is helping people gain the courage to believe that in their brokenness is the beginning of hope.”
Dan Allender
Founder and Former President, Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
Therapist, author, professor and speaker
Seattle, Washington